Tuesday, May 3, 2016

More Than Just A Barn....

Here at Barn 2 Fridge we are about more than just a barn for the animals I raise to sell.  It is about sharing our knowledge and helping others start a project. 

I would like you to meet Morgan .... and his 2 kids (Bruce & Willy)
Morgan and the kids are part of another opportunity I offer here at the barn.
Morgan showed his doe goat last year at fair.  When he didn't want to sell her he asked for my help in starting his own breeding project.  We brought his doe to the barn and bred her with Roger (see my previous post).   Now Morgan has his Nanny goat to show in breeding class and 2 amazing little kids to show in market class this year.  It was so amazing to see the excited look on Morgan's face when he got to see his baby goats for the first time.  I look forward to helping him again this year.



Knowledge is only beneficial if you share it, And that is what I am doing here in the barn.
I had my first Goat Clinic of the season on April 23rd.   We vaccinated the kids, placed ear tags (for scrapies) and banded the males.   When that was done they learned how to put a halter on their goat and how to start working with them for showing.
These clinics are about a little more than just me sharing my knowledge .... They are about giving children who live in the city an opportunity to learn how to raise an animal and prepare it for showing at the Laramie County Fair.  This year we have 3 members of the Barn 2 Fridge goat clinic / goat showing opportunity.  All 3 children got to come to the barn and select their kid.  Each week they come out to the barn and learn new skills, participate in cares and attend educational clinics.  This year will be the first year for each of these kids (Mik, Anthony & Caden)  to participate in fair.  As this experience progress I will do my best to keep you all updated of everyone's progress.
I'm really looking forward to this years fair prep in the barn.

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