Thursday, March 24, 2016

Boer vs Texas Genemaster Goats

We have been getting some questions as to the different appearance of our 2 sets of goats.  So, I thought I would take a minute and explain the different breeds I am producing here at Barn2Fridge.

Our first group of babies were produced from Boer parents.  Both the dame and sire are registered Boer.  Below is little Bobby he was our first male born in the first group of kids.  My plan is to keep him for breeding this fall.


Boer goats were developed in South Africa in the early 1900's.  There primary purpose was for meat production.  This has made them a very popular breed for 4H show goats.  The name Boer is a Dutch word meaning farmer.


Texas GeneMaster

Texas Genemaster are 5/8 Boer and 3/8 Kiko.  This breed has been bred to be superior because they have the bulk of a Boer goat but the hardiness of a Kiko goat.  Studies have shown that Texas Genemaster kids will grow and be heavier at a much more rapid rate than purebred Boer or purebred Kiko goats.  The development of this cross breed was started on a ranch in Texas in 1995.  It has been trademarked by the Onion Creek Ranch.
Last summer after purchasing 2 bred Boer Does I started to do research on market meat goats and came across the Texas Genemaster.  I found a ranch in Colorado that produced these beautiful goats. We went and visited this ranch and learned how they run their breeding operation.  They run 300 breeding nannies with a year round operation.  It was very interesting, they gave us many great tips and tricks for starting a breeding operation.  They are who we purchased Roger from (pictured above).  We bred Roger with  5 Boer Does last fall.  Our newest arrivals Cinnamon and Grace are 
his kids.  We have 3 more does due any day.

I plan to track the growth of all of the babies and will keep you posted on their growth rates.

Thank you for your interest in my project.

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