Monday, June 20, 2016

Goat Showing Tips

Goat Showmanship is pretty easy if you follow these 10 simple steps

1. Practice walking your goat before the show.  Don't wait until the day before, you should start walking them daily on a halter then switch to a show collar months before fair.  Practice, practice, practice because he is just as nervous as you are so the more work you do together the more he will trust you when you get to the ring.

2. Properly  prepare /shear your goat about a week before the show.  Look at the rules for show to make sure your goat is uniformly clipped / sheared for the show.  A good rule of thumb is 3/8 inch or closer if the show doesn't have any rules listed.  You can leave hair on the legs up to the knee / hock and a little tuft at the end of the tail.  Some shows will have you tip the horns if your goat has horns.

3.  The day of the show clean and groom your animal.  Make sure not to forget to trim the hooves so the judge can see he walks correctly and doesn't have defects of the foot / leg.

4.  Next get your self ready.  Dress appropriately.  Make sure to check on the dress code for the show.  Many shows will not allow you to wear blue jeans.  I usually wear dress slacks and a long sleeve button down shirt.

5.  You are now ready for the ring.  Make sure to keep eye contact with the judge at all times.  Smile and look like you are really enjoying yourself even though you may be nervous inside.  Make sure to follow what the judge tells you to do.  Don't talk with your neighbor, it is rude.

6.    Keep your goat between you and the Judge at all times.  To change sides do a roll turn, remember to always change sides at the head.  Move to the front of the goat when the judge is viewing the goat from the rear.

7.  Keep his feet set to display his muscle.  Set the leg closest to the judge first.  It is ok to reach over your goat to set the legs.  Make sure his weight is evenly distributed.  Avoid slapping the legs, pick them up and place them.  To set your goat, you can brace from the front with your inner thigh.  When the judge is looking at the front, hold his head high and step to the side to show off his chest.

8.  Remain calm even if your goat is misbehaving.  Even though you have worked with him, he may become scared or bored and start acting out.  Don't hit, drag him or treat him in a rough manor.

9.  Do what the judge asks.  You will typically start the show by walking the goat clockwise around the ring.  Keep your goat under control and by your side.  Don't drag him,  if he won't move you can grab his tail and give a little encouragement to move forward by lifting his tail.  Once the judge asks you to stop, set your goat.  At this point you will stand or squat with your goat at this head.  If you are much taller than your goat, you may want to work on squatting with your goat in his stance.  Make sure to pay attention to the judge at all times and wait for your next request.

10.  Be a good sportsman.  Make sure to shake the judges hand when he has completed his rankings.  Make sure to congratulate other winners.